The Opportunity Analysis Canvas Simulation

The Opportunity Analysis Canvas Simulation is comprised of six parts. Each part is listed in this eBook in the chapter as listed below. The due dates for each are available on the syllabus for your course.

  • Simulation 1: Entrepreneurial Mindset (Chapter 5)
  • Simulation 2: Entrepreneurial Motivation and Behavior (Chapter 7)
  • Simulation 3: Industry Condition and Status (Chapter 10)
  • Simulation 4: Macroeconomic Change (Chapter 11)
  • Simulation 5: Competition (Chapter 12)
  • Simulation 6: Value Innovation & Opportunity Identification (Chapter 15)

Your scores for each of the six parts of the simulation will be visible on this site. Note that there is no partial credit awarded for each question. A fully correct response is required to receive credit for a question.

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